Instructor Resource Center Overview
Published: May 29, 2015
Peggy Hall; Charlotte Waack; Debbie Friedler

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Instructor Resource Center Overview

The Instructor Resource Center (IRC) was created with the intent of helping instructors through the process of creating and presenting a VIN/VSPN CE course.  Some of these documents can be useful for Rounds presenters as well.

  • Getting Started Category
    Someone from VIN/VSPN CE contacted you, or perhaps you are the person who got us with an idea for a course. The documents in this section of the IRC describe the process of setting up and training a new instructor.
  • Course Description Category
    The documents in this section of the IRC describe the information needed to create a course info page.  A course info page is required as part of the RACE accreditation submission and is also used to provide the information for the course entry in the CE Catalog.
  • Course Library and Message Board Category
    The documents in this section of the IRC describe how to submit materials for addition to the course library and the naming conventions to use when requesting the creation of the course message board folders.

    • Materials Category
      This category contains documents that describe how to submit materials for processing by the VIN/VSPN staff for addition to the course library and use during the Real Time Sessions.  

    • Copyright Category
      This category contains documents explaining copyright restrictions for materials to be used within the VIN/VSPN course libraries or during Real Time Sessions.

    • Message Boards Category
      This category contains a document that explains the message board naming conventions.
  • Planning the Real Time Sessions Category
    These documents provide recommendations for planning the Real Time Sessions and reference the submission guideline documents in the Course Library and Message Board > Materials Category.
  • Training Category
    Some of the materials used during the instructor training will be available here.
  • Real-Time Sessions Category
    These documents provide recommendations to improve the Real-Time Session presentations.
  • Course Area Category
    These documents describe the course area and provide instructions on logging in and locating the course library, classroom, and message board.
  • Course Message Boards Category
    These documents provide instructions for using the course message boards.