Text Document Guidelines
Published: April 06, 2015
Peggy Hall; Charlotte Waack; Debbie Friedler

Documents should be submitted in Word (*.doc or *.docx) format using the following parameters

  • 1 inch margins all around
  • Times New Roman font size 10 pt
  • Single spaced lines
  • Bullets and/or outline format should use simple characters (solid dot for bullets, basic numbers and letters for outline format) but please minimize white space on the document.

Any images you'd like to put into the handout:

  • Send images separately as .jpg or .gif attachments to an email in their highest resolution possible (i.e. 300KB or 300 dpi or more). This allows us to manipulate the images to fit properly as well as have the best detail for web viewing.
  • Identify where you want the images in the handout with Figure 1, Figure 2, etc. See Handout - Submission Example.
  • If there are a lot of images, figures, tables, etc. please contact your course facilitator and/or coordinator as early as possible for methods of submission.

Send the document to your course facilitator along with any new graphics that you would like to use. In the body of the email, list the new graphics by file name and indicate the appropriate copyright for each (if applicable). Remember to designate where the document should be placed within the course library.