The Use and Abuse of Antimycotics
IAAAM 1978
Emmett B. Shotts, Jr
College of Veterinary Medicine, University of Georgia, Athens

A general discussion of the principal classes of antimycotics together with their site and mode of action upon various microorganisms will be presented. A review of situations in which antimycotics might be used or contraindicated will be discussed along with the use of single vs multiple antimycotics will be made and rationale explored for prudent selection of appropriate compounds. The general concepts of anti microbic susceptibility testing, the basic methodologies, interpretation and inherent pitfalls of the various types of tests will be presented. The development of "resistant organisms", how they may emerge and the mechanisms which enable them to be resistant to various antimycotics will be discussed.

Speaker Information
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Emmett B. Shotts, Jr., PhD

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