Fecal Microflora of Harbor Seal Pups
IAAAM 1978
Laura Bull; T.J. Trust
Department of Biochemistry & Microbiology, Victoria, BC, Canada

The fecal microflora from 8 seal pups housed at Sealand, Victoria, B.C. has been studied. Fecal samples have been obtained as early as 2 days from birth. One of the bacteria isolated appears to be anomalous. This new serotype of E. coli was detected in the microflora of 5 pups as early as 8-10 days after birth. A variety of other serotypes of E. coli have been demonstrated including E. coli 022:H8, 06:Hl, 0104:NM, 08:H4, 071:HlO 063:H6 and biotype Alkalescens-Dispar. Because of the susceptibility of seal pups to diarrhea, the isolates have been subjected to entero-pathogenicity testing. Among the other bacteria isolated were: Proteus morganii, P. mirabilis, Streptococcus faecalis, Pleislomonas shigelloides, Citrobacter freundii, C. diversus, and Enterobacter spp. The total facultative anaerobic count averaged 10^8 cfu/gram faeces. Total anaerobic count rose as high as 10^10 cfu/gram feces. During the course of the study antibiotic therapy was used on 4 of the pups and the antibiotic susceptibility of the various isolates will be reported.

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Laura Bull

T. J. Trust, PhD

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