Save History
Revised: May 11, 2015
Published: November 12, 2012

Peggy Hall; Charlotte Waack; Debbie Friedler

Use SAVE HISTORY to save the contents of the Unity Conference Room window in HTML format to the user's computer.

Select SAVE HISTORY from the ADMIN TOOLS menu.

Once the save is completed, a window will pop up with a message indicating the number of bytes that have been saved to the computer clipboard. Select OK.

The user can, at this point, save the contents of the computer clipboard to an HTML file.

  1. Open a text editor, such as NotePad.
  2. Select Paste from the Edit menu to copy the contents of the computer clipboard into the text editor.
  3. Save the file...
    • Select Save As... from the File menu.
    • In the Filename: field, specify a filename that has an .htm extension.
    • In the Save as type: field, select All Files.
    • Select the Save button.