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Cannabinoid Therapeutic Drug Monitoring
Published: August 23, 2017
Mark Rishniw

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Study Start Date: 11/01/2016
Study End Date: 11/01/2018

Cannabinoid Therapeutic Drug Monitoring

We are looking for plasma samples from dogs and cats receiving cannabinoid-based products. Blood will be monitored for 5 major cannabinoids associated with potential therapeutic indications. The submission process includes a completing a submission form that collects information regarding the product being used and information regarding the perceived patient response to that product. A sample of the product and an image (e.g. smartphone camera jpg) is also requested. Both blood and product will be analyzed for cannabinoid content and plasma concentrations will be correlated to product and response. Samples will be analyzed every few weeks when sufficient samples have been submitted.

Study Design:
Prospective, cross-sectional

Sample Size:

Inclusion Criteria:

  • Any dog or cat being currently administered any type of cannabinoid product for any reason

Exclusion Criteria:

  • Animals that are not currently receiving cannabinoid products.

Ideally, 2 blood samples (1 ml of serum or plasma) should be collected:

1. Peak concentration (2 hours post-administration)

2. Trough concentration (just prior to administering the next scheduled dose)

Samples should be collected at least 1 week after beginning cannabinoid administration.
Please see: for further details.

Veterinarians submitting samples will not be compensated for the submission, but the analysis is done for free ($150 value) and a report will be provided to participants once the analysis has been performed.

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Full Disclosure information:
The study is not funded by any grants.
The investigator has declared a conflict of interest:  “We are financially sponsored by a not-for-profit organization that has ties with a corporation that sells cannabinoid pet products.”
The study will be published if results are negative
The study will be reported on VIN
The authors will acknowledge VIN if the study is published

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